
Cordy Daylite


"Legendary herbs for Royal family"

Cordyceps is known as a “legendary treasure of the East.” In China, Cordyceps is also called as “winter worm, summer grass” which belongs to the family of fungi. The Tibetan scholars listed it as a ‘magical creatures” due to the seasoning transformation of life cycle. Since ancient times, cordyceps has been used as a tonic herb that helps nourish the kidney, heart and boost up inner strength. As the result of cordyceps is limited to the seasons and the high mountains (2000 m above), it is expensive and only used by the royal family.

Today, Cordyceps has been proven to health benefit. More than 21 clinical trials have around the world shown that Cordyceps is good for the following:

1. Coordinate immune system to lower the risk of illness.

2. Promote human respiratory system by regulating the activities of the lungs.

3. Acting as an agent of anti-tumor or anti-cancer.

4. Improve blood circulation which good for body detoxification.

5. Provide energy and stamina.

6. Healthy liver and kidney function.


• Collaboration with biotechnology techniques with University in China.

• Cordyceps cultured patented by World Intelligence Property Organization (WIPO:WO2005/058022A1)

• High content of active ingredient if compared with wild cordyceps.